Pre-Work According to the three completed check-expects for sink in the starter file, drag and drop the appropriate bubbles and solids onto the following test tubes to show how the tube would appear before and after sink was called. For each of the six positions, you will select either a bubble or solid (matching the blob number to the position number). Bubbles are white blobs, and solids are grey blobs.
;(check-expect (sink (cons "solid" (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" empty)))) ; ...) ;(check-expect (sink (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" (cons "solid" empty)))) ; ...) ;(check-expect (sink (cons "solid" ; (cons "solid" ; (cons "bubble" (cons "bubble" empty))))) ; ...) (check-expect (sink (cons "solid" (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" empty)))) (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" (cons "solid" empty)))) (check-expect (sink (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" (cons "solid" empty)))) (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" (cons "solid" empty)))) (check-expect (sink (cons "solid" (cons "solid" (cons "bubble" (cons "bubble" empty))))) (cons "bubble" (cons "solid" (cons "solid" (cons "bubble" empty)))))